It is nice to know I don't have a Gender Identity disorder - I think it is really tough to be a Andrew when everything you feel is Andrea. So phew!! at least that is not in the cup that I have to drink. I have some qualities that could be regarded as feminine... but oh well that's all there is to it.
It is nice to know I have a personality disorder - that way I can really work hard at reducing the negative effects of narcissistic personality disorder... just keep trying to live for God and others.
It is also nice that during the whole period when I was "lost" I found out I enjoyed cutting out cloth patterns - and of course wearing the resulting clothing. I think my motive with the whole NPD thing going on was to look different, be special, unique and outrageous. But now I have reduced this to the basics - I am just another guy cutting out cloths (read design if you wish - but I use templates).
Anyway many times I get a lot of errors and I wind up wearing a "wardrobe malfunction". Woe unto me if I make more than one piece at one go. So this time I made my first attempt at a top. Having learned from previous errors with my pants this time I was more cautious. So instead of taking my cut-out to my tailor to stitch into a cloth I first used recycled cloth and staples instead of stitching to see the end result.
This time I wound up with a pretty feminine looking top - I am looking for a unisex, androgynous kind. So I can't take this to the tailor. But all in all twas fun and I will back to the drawing board to make something with a masculine balance.
So here is the result
NB: I hadn't put the sleeves tis supposed to have some.
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